.. title: This Blog is Badly Named .. slug: It's not about leg coverings .. date: 2023-01-27 22:11:55 UTC-05:00 .. tags: .. category: .. link: .. description: .. type: text The title says it. This isn't about pants in any sense that doesn't refer to my person specifically. I'll probably tell the story that explains the weirdness of that sentence at some point, but not now. I'm too entertained speculating at how you will speculate about that. If you're OK with me giving into that impulse, then you might like it here. We've established this mostly isn't about lowerwear, but in the universe of things we could eliminate as possibilities, that's really a pretty small slice of the pie isn't it? I suppose I should explain. I'm writing this and you're reading it after all. I've been allowing a set of thoughts to scratch at the back of my skull for long enough that it itches. I'm old enough to occasionally feel my age now, so I'm worried I might eventually develop baldness from those scratches. This blog is my attempt to fully extract the set before its constituent parts cause permanent damage to my hairline. Whether they cause permanent damage to anything else once they're sharing the space outside of my skull is to be determined, but we can worry about that when we get there. These thoughts vary wildly, but they all share one thing: confusion. These are all things that confuse me about interactions with the modern world. Maybe in the future one of those persistent thoughts will be about leg coverings, but I don't see that happening soon. I'd say I'm sorry to disappoint, but it's a deliberate misdirection. Apologizing would be a lie and I sometimes try to avoid that. No, I think it's more honest, regardless of truthfulness, if we have an even playing field. I'd rather reader and writer both start at the same place in this endeavor: Confusion. Or at least, an acceptably honest approximation of confusion.